Zenith Allmart Precisindo – PLN Assessment Result

PLN (PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara) Assessment Result

PLN is an Indonesian government-owned corporation, has electric distribution in Indonesia and generates the majority of the country’s electrical power. After many years of supplying once again, we got approved to become their supplier this year. This acceptance will become our motivation to improve our quality of production and service.

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This certificate (PLN Assessment Result) sums up our dedication and integrity in this industry, don’t hesitate to use our service, contact us!

PT. PLN DPT Certificate

PT. PLN DPT Certificate

Have inquires that need Invesment Casting?

What Is Tooling In Investment Castings?

What Is Tooling In Investment Castings?

Tooling in Investment  Casting is considered to be wax-injection dies that are used to create wax patterns. If you're following us from our previous trivia posts or you're familiar with how investment casting works, you already know that these wax patterns form the...

Preparing Shell for Lost Wax Casting

Preparing Shell for Lost Wax Casting

Description   The Investment Casting Process is to coat multiple layers of refractory coatings on the surface of the wax mold. Afterward, it is dried and hardened, the wax mold is melted by heating to obtain a shell with a cavity that matches the shape of the wax...

What is ElectroPolishing?

What is ElectroPolishing?

Electropolishing or also known as electrochemical polishing, anodic polishing, and electrolytic polishing is really useful for polishing and deburring parts that have complex geometries or are fragile. Electropolishing is an electrochemical finishing process that...

What Is Cast Steel Pouring Process?

What Is Cast Steel Pouring Process?

Description   In investment casting, the process of pouring cast steel is a very important step. The most commonly used pouring method in investment casting is gravity pouring. First, the molten steel is poured from the furnace into the casting ladle and then...

Mold Material Defects

Mold Material Defects

Mold Materials Defects In investment casting, defects are a common problem, for example, this can't be happening in the medical industry, because of its high standard so the finished product needs to be as precise as possible. Mold material defects usually caused by...

Mill Test Certificate EN 10204

Mill Test Certificate EN 10204

What is Mill Test Certificate? Mill Test Certificate, is a provided by a manufacturer to certify the chemical composition and mechanical composition of the product, this thing is really important in this industry especially with products related in medical like...

CAD/CAM? – Beginner Guide About Machining

CAD/CAM? – Beginner Guide About Machining

CAD and CAM? What is that? CAD/CAM also called computer-aided design & computer-aided manufacturing is software used to design and manufacture products and their prototype, this software usually related to CNC machines. How does it work? In addition to the...

What is Drilling? A Beginner’s Guide About Machining.

What is Drilling? A Beginner’s Guide About Machining.

What is Drilling? Drilling is a cutting process using a drill bit to create holes in the workplace, this process is the one most common method used in the machining process. Here's in CNC drilling have many scopes, starts from simple into the complex one. CNC Drilling...